24 December 2009

Kicking off 7-day recipe marathon with WIPGYOR series

Remember I announced in my last post that I will be participating in Nupur's 7-day recipe marathon? So starting tomorrow, until 31st Dec, I will be posting 7 food recipes and that too with a theme.

When I first read Nupur's announcement, I knew right away this would be fun...but to make it even funn-er, I decided to add a theme of own. So here it is, each of my recipes for the next 7 days will be based on the 7 colours of the rainbow!!....with a slight twist, of course! Instead of VIBGYOR, I am going to with WIPGYOR....White comes in instead of Violet and Pink instead of Blue (racked my brain and books for recipes which would be violet or blue but just could not find any!)

Pretty cool, dont you agree? :) If you do, come back tomorrow and the 6 more days after that! To make it easy for my readers, I have now added an email subcription box at top right on the blog...do check it out.

I leave you with the warmest wishes for Christmas...here's a song thats sets the holiday mood!!

Season's greetings,


Aditya Khatkhate said...

Eagerly awaiting for tomorrow... [:P]

Vinaya said...

Aadi, you get the prize for the fastest commenter ever :D!!!I wish you were here to taste the dishes and comment on the recipes though!..Happy holidays dear..take care!

Nupur said...

Very cool theme!

Aditya Khatkhate said...

V,I really wish i cud have been there too.. :) looking at all the mouth-watering recipes...
Happy Holidays to you too.. Enjoy Cooking..! :)