Take Doug and Carrie for instance....this is a husband-wife duo in a popular sitcom called 'King of Queens' which is a regular feature on North American cable.

A picture of Doug and Carrie from 'King of Queens' (picture taken from here)
In one episode, Carrie asks Doug if he thinks she comes across as scary and strong (which she is- a strong personality, that is)..and the question itself scares Doug, who gets all uncomfortable and asks uncertainly 'Is this a trick question? Like the other time when you asked me if you had a moustache and that I should tell the truth and then when I told you the truth you got all mad at me????' Hilarious!!
And then N and I were having our coffee yesterday morning when we came across Ray and Debra (from 'Everybody Loves Raymond', another comedy sitcom on cable here).

Ray and Debra in 'Everybody Loves Raymond' (picture taken from here)
At the beginning of the episode, Deb and Ray, who have been married for a few years, decide to experiment with 'trying to be nice to each other'....something which gets difficult when Ray has to eat Deb's turkey sandwich (Deb's a not-so-good-cook)....so once all niceties evaporate, they come to a truce---he gets to throw her sandwich in the garbage and she gets to call her 'idiot'...good one, I say!
So I turn to N and tell him how much I pity his breed...in all fairness, these poor chaps have a tough job.....every time we ask them a trick question, they have to come up with an answer that is truthful, yet un-hurtful, yet un-patronising!!..or like N quipped, an answer that is 'nice....and to know what 'nice' is , all you need to do is be married long enough and you will know (most probably by bitter experience i.e. answering wrong to the trick question..doing this just once is enough to learn the lesson!).
Coming to trick questions, the mother of all trick questions is that involving a mother-in-law!!Take Ruchi in this video for instance..its not really a trick question for the husband and its a classic case of what is called in Bombaiyya language as 'kaadi karna-cum- kulhaadi pe paaon' ..check out this video!
Fortunately for N, me and N's ma, we have neither the kaadis nor the fire!..N's ma and I get along superbly (touchwood!!!)...while on we are on this topic, here's what N's parents sent us for our fourth wedding anniversary last week....a super, duper surprise---a basket full of love and goodies!!!
An announcement: starting on Friday, 25 Dec until 31st Dec, I will be posting 7 food recipes!!.I am taking part in Nupur's (of One Hot Stove) 7-day recipe marathon!
I have an interesting theme in mind on which the recipes will be based...to find out more, come back next Friday.
P.S. When I told N about my plan to enter into the recipe marathon, he was first a bit worried about how much time I was going spend on this over the holidays...but when I told him that he would get to taste 7 yummy(?) treats each day, he was so much more supportive...hmmm, the business of blogging is quite delicate too, wont you agree?? :)
Hey hey chaan watale vachun!! All the best for your 7 days receipe marathon!!
Hey V,
Nice post and good job with the DHL pack editing. Must say, D & I were lucky to taste some delicious food items that you guyz shared with us.
Please do convey our heartfelt thanks to N's mom. We felt as though it was a food-blessing after the hectic moving to our new home.
P.S: No doubt you will rock the recipe marathon. Wish you all the best for the same.
moral of the story...guys be nice to ur wives or else u r screwd :D
another tip: think twice before laughing out loud to the joke cracked by a 'guy' on his wife in the comedy sitcom.
Thanks for those nice words...lets see how the recipe marathon goes :S
Thanks!!We already conveyed your thanks to aai-baba..they were so happy to hear you guys liked the goodies :)
you have no choice but to be nice to me!!!...about the jokes, ghar pe mil phir baat karte hai :):)
Hey....Thats a nice one. and Belated Anniversary Wishes...Have a wonderful and happy many more joyful years !!! All the best for your recipe marathon
nice post Vinaya:
now that I have been married for a looooong time; and have been a son for a looooonger time, I tell other young couples, particularly the boys - you gotta throw the mom under the truck :-O The secret to a long and happy (married) life!
understandably, no care packages come to our home. Ha ha!
and jeez! it was easier to hack into a secure computer than post a comment here. :-)
Thanks so much for your wishes!!:)
Welcome to my blog..am so glad you like the post!
Baki I would never throw any mommies under the truck--they are too sweet and precious to do that!!
Also, can you let me know if you keep facing difficulty posting comemnts? I will look into that more!!
OK now I am really excited and I can't wait to see what your theme is :) Good luck and enjoy!
hehe..I did hype my theme quite a bit, didnt I Nupur? I just announced it..am looking forward to all the fun and food!
Pretty interesting site you've got here. Thanks the author for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
Best regards
Jeph Normic
Nice story you got here. It would be great to read more concerning that topic. Thanx for posting that data.
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